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fuling district中文是什么意思

用"fuling district"造句"fuling district"怎么读"fuling district" in a sentence


  • 涪陵区


  • Study on the relationship between environmental change and migrants health in fuling district in three gorges reservior
  • What s more , we have agencies affiliated agencies in fuling district , dadukou railway station , qiezixi railway station and funiuxi railway station , ect
  • On the base of science and objectiveness , which is written according to the requirements of business project document , aims to apply essential principles , measures and other corresponding theories and knowledge of marketing management to bringing the recreation and tourist resources in fuling district into preliminary and effective conformity with a view of business practice
用"fuling district"造句  


Fuling District () is a district in the middle of Chongqing Municipality, People's Republic of China. Its name means "Fu (River) Cemetery" because some rulers of the State of Ba were originally buried there.
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